
The Boardroom User Interface

Let's take a look at each element of the Boardroom user interface and what it means.

  1. NEXT EPOCH The amount of time remaining until the next epoch.

  2. CURRENT EPOCH The number of the current epoch.

  3. CHILI PEG (TWAP) The TWAP (time-weighted average price) of the CHILI peg. The Boardroom only mints new CHILI as rewards for CSHARE stakers when this value is above 1.01 at the end of the current epoch.

  4. APR The yield for CSHARE stakers in the Boardroom if the Boardroom was printing every epoch. This calculation is based on the last recorded print in the Boardroom.

  5. CSHARES STAKED ****The total amount of CSHARE currently staked in the Boardroom.

  6. CHILI Earned ****The amount of CHILI you've earned as rewards for staking CSHARE in the Boardroom.

  7. CSHARE Staked The amount of CSHARE you currently have staked in the Boardroom.

Boardroom Specifications

  • Epoch duration: 6 hours

  • Any interaction with the Boardroom (staking/unstaking CSHARE or withdrawing CHILIrewards) will lock your staked CSHARE for 6 epochs and CHILLI rewards for 3 epochs.

  • Distribution of CHILI during expansion (Boardoom printing): 90% goes to Boardroom CSHARE stakers as rewards 10% goes to dev fund

Note that the Boardroom does not print any rewards for CSHARE stakers when the Boardroom TWAP < 1.01.

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